5 Benefits Of Using Blogger As A Newbie

Creating and running your first blog as a new blogger can be challenging since you don't have any blogging experience or wouldn't like to spend a lot of money creating it. 
So we recommend that you start your first blog with BLOGGER. Although most Pro bloggers might encourage you to self host your blog,  in this blog post we will like to show you some benefits of using a free blogging platform like Blogger.

Get this clear, having and creating your blog with a self hosted platform is really cool. But as a Newbie, paying for hosting, domain name and premium themes and plugins might scare you off from ever starting up a blog. Plus you need a straight forward blogging platform where you don't need to worry about coding and any techie stuffs. All you need is to focus on writing and Sharing your contents.

That's where BLOGGER comes in.  Below are 5 Major benefits of starting your first blog with Blogger.

1. Free Hosting, Subdomain and Theme

Starting your blog with any self hosted platform might be quite expensive since you will have to pay for hosting, domain name and themes. But using Blogger, you have the benefits of hosting your blog for free. You don't need to pay a dime for hosting, it's 100% free for ever.
You also get a free subdomain like yourblogname.blogspot.com, this means that your blog has a url that your visitors would use to find your blog/website on the web all for free.

Apart from hosting and subdomain, like other blogging platforms you have access to free beautiful themes. Although by default Blogger's themes are outdated and not really cool but there're websites that you can download free modern and beautiful .xml themes suitable for Blogger.

2. Easy to customize and use

Unlike other blogging platforms like Wordpress,  Blogger is very simple and easy to use making it the ideal platform for new and wannabe bloggers. You don't need any coding skills to create and run a blog on Blogger. Creating a blog is like signing up for a social media account, in fact all you need to create one is a Gmail account.
Now when it comes to customization, it's a bunch of drag and drop, copy and paste, and delete and save. It just simple, easy and straight forward.

3. Strong Security

Blogger as a blogging platform is owned by Google, and therefore is secure and safer than a self hosted Wordpress(WP) websites. If you enable two-factor authentication, it will be impossible for someone to hack your site since Blogger asks users to enter their Gmail password in other to access their profile. 
All websites/Blog owned and powered by Google is secured.

4. No Ads

Blogger is a free platform but yet doesn't place their ads on your free Blogger blog. Unless you are using a free or default theme, that's when you can see an attribution place at the bottom of your blog. But if you are using a custom/premium theme you won't see any ads, attribution or sponsor link. Unlike other blogging platforms like Wordpress.com that place ads on their own free websites and blogs, Blogger doesn't. In fact you make money if you want ads to show on your Blogger blog through Google's Adsense program.

5. Monetization is easy

Unlike other free blogging platforms, Blogger provides user many easy and legit ways to make money with their free blogs. All you need is to put in the hard work and create relevant and great contents that both your visitors and search engine will love. Some ways to make money with Blogger free blogs are affiliate marketing, google adsense, digital product marketing etc.


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