Top 5 Free Blogging Platforms For Newbies

 As a New or wannabe blogger it is very important you consider the blogging and Hosting platform you would like to use for your blogging adventure. Even though lots of Professional Bloggers will recommend starting your blogging business on a self hosted platform like, there are also benefits of starting out with a free blog.

Definitely as a Newbie you don't have any idea and experience to run a blog, but making use of a free blog will help you understand how blogging works plus save you the expenses of self hosting without any clue.

In this blog post we will look at 5 cool free blogging platforms that you can start out with as new blogger. But before we get started lets understand what blogging and Hosting platforms are.

What Is Blogging/Hosting Platforms?

Blogging Platforms are content management systems (CMS) that allows individuals and organizations to publish contents online which can be delivered through websites, emails, blogs etc. While Hosting platforms are companies that provide space for business and individuals on servers and enables their sites to be accessed via the world wide web (www).

Most Companies offer both hosting and content management services and in this blog post we will show you 5 platforms that you can make use of; totally for free.

Let's get started.


Blogger is a Free Blogging platform that was developed by Pyra Labs and in 2003 was bought by google.

The blogs are hosted by google totally for free and also comes with a free subdomain: This platform is ideal for New bloggers who have no techie knowledge and less capital. It has easy user interface, but the only thing is that the basic themes they offer are outdated but you can actually find a custom cool theme.
In fact this our blog is hosted on blogger and they also offer you opportunity to make money with your blog through Adsense. 


Now notice I said not is a free Blogging software for Self hosted websites/blogs. But WORDPRESS.COM is a free blogging platform that offers you free hosting and content management services, though it has a premium package ( paid plan). It can also be used for free users. The beautiful thing about this platform is that it has beautiful themes you can use to design your blog and a CMS similar to the popular WORDPRESS.ORG. 

3. WIX

Good for creating nice and beautiful blogs within minutes, their site-builder will help you out, plus they have a drag and drop system of customizing your blog. But they offer low hosting storage compare to Blogger and their sites are usually slow to load, but with their paid plan you can get more storage and with good SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) skills your site can load fast.

 According to Wikipedia Medium Is an American online publishing platform developed by Evan Williams and launched in August 2012. it is owned by a Medium Corporation. 
You can write and publish contents for free plus your article will be accessible to all Medium readers. it is ideal for authors who wants to publish and promote their contents without bordering for hosting or domain. In fact if your articles are good enough they will be featured on their home page, there by generating lots of traffic for you.


Tumblr is a free microblogging and social networking websites. It was founded in the year 2007 by David Karp but is currently owned by Automattic. It allows users to create short post with multimedia and other contents. you also have the ability to follow and share other users blog and it is ideal for people who loves pictures.

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