Niching Down - 3 Simple Steps To Get Started

Niching down as a new or wannabe blogger can not be overemphasized - you've got to niche down in other to build your brand. In fact it's the number one key to a successful blogging business. But in as much as it's  very important, it could also be a major challenge for Newbies. So in this blog post we will work you through all the steps of niching down and how it works.

so let's get started.

 "Focus until you become a focus" 

what is actually a Niche?

Your Niche is a specific topic or area that you'll focus and create contents on depending on your passion, knowledge, skills and interest. For example, you might like animals and dogs to be precise, so your niche is to focus on writing about dogs or you might like games, so you will focus on a particular game like God of War.
As a new or wannabe blogger, niching down could be your greatest obstacle but it is definitely the most important aspect.
So having known what is a Niche, we will move over to the benefits of Niching down and the 3  simple step to get started
okay? okay! let move.

Why Niching down?

You might probably be asking yourself why you should focus on one area since blogs are used for self expression and sharing of one's thoughts, well in as much as we can create contents from different topics, there are still some strong reasons and benefits of niching down.

1. Become an Industry Expert

We all probably know this quote  "Jack of all trade, master of none". You can't successfully be the best at everything no matter your field. Niching down will help you to focus and develop yourself fully on a particular area of your business. It will give you time to research your niche market and create relevant contents/products.

2. Reduce Competition Rates

Niching down can help you reduce the rate of competition in your business. For example if you are starting a health blog, the competition will be high but if you focus on healthy living for pregnant mums the competition rate will be minimal since not a lot of people in your industry is writing about pregnant women.

3. Solve a specific Need

When you focus on a particular group, it will enable you to understand their needs and in turn create products and services that will meet that need.

4. Build a Strong Network

When your customers and visitors are satisfied with your products and services, they will refer you to their friends with the same need there by creating a strong network.

5. Monetize Easily

Picking a Niche can help you monetize your blog i.e. make money easily from your blog. It will give you the idea of what your visitors are looking for, how to provide solutions for their needs and to create products that they are willing to buy.
For example our blog Blogger for Newbies helps new Bloggers to learn how to use BLOGGER and start their blogging business, so because of our niche, we create products that meets our subscribers need and that they are willing to pay for.


Now you've known what a blog niche is and why you must niche down as a new or wannabe blogger. so let's dive into the steps of finding your perfect niche.


One thing you must understand is that to build a successful blogging business you'll have to create contents for a long term, so when choosing your niche you need to ask yourself these questions
  • What do I love doing?
  • What can I constantly write about without getting board?
  • Can I do this without running out of ideas?
If you answered the following questions above then you wound have come up with something that you are passionate about. Now the topic that comes to your mind should be what you will focus on.


Another way to find your Ideal niche is to look out for the skills and knowledge you already have. It is easier to teach and write about what you know than what you don't know. So as a new or wannabe blogger what are the things you can do, or what do you know and what experiences do you have. 
You can start up a pet blog where you talk about how you take care of your pet or you can teach people how to draw if you're the artistic type or even share your experiences on the places you have been and things you have used.


If you will like to monetize your blog in the future, then getting a profitable niche will be ideal when starting your blog. What is a profitable market?, you may ask. It is a Niche market ( a specific market/audience) that has high traffic rate and the potentials to buy your products in the future.
So your Niche should be the one that has a lot traffic ( readers/visitors) that will be willing to  purchase your products in the future.

Congrats you have just learnt every thing you need to know about Niching down, so comment below your views and share this content to your friends.

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