What Is A Blog? The Ideal Definition.


Whether you've heard about the terms "Blog" and "Blogging" or maybe this is your first time; The Truth is a Blog is not actually what people think it is. In this blog post we will share with you the ideal definition of a blog, what exactly it is and what it's not.

So ready? Okay! Let's get started.

First of all let's look at what a blog isn't before diving into what exactly it is. 

A blog is not a traditional website even though it is a type of website that can stand alone, yet it differs from a traditional website. A traditional website is static and it's contents organized in pages but a blog is dynamic and it's contents appear in reverse chronological order i.e newer ones comes first.

A Blog is not a social media account, it is used for content creation, marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). Where as Social media are used to engage customers or individuals with the contents.

A Blog is not a wiki or newsgroup. Of course blogs, wikis and newsgroups are all informative platforms but they are not the same. Blogs are opinions of an individual or a small group of people logged on the web that is presented in an informal or conversative style and interactive but a wiki is an online collaborative site where users view, create, or edit contents, they're usually encyclopedic on the topics they contains where as a newsgroup is a group of internet users exchanging messages on a topic of common interest via emails.

So what is actually a Blog?

A Blog is a type or section of a website that is frequently updated and usually run by an individual or a small group; it is written in an informal style and dynamic in nature.


 It is simply an online version of a journal or dairy where you can share your thoughts, ideas, opinions and knowledge. Contents on blogs are displayed in reverse chronological order (i.e newest ones appearing first) and are referred to as blog post.

 The word  'blog' was originally derived from the term "web log" which was used in the late 90s, it changed from 'web log' to ' we blog' and finally 'blog'. It is also a marketing tool used to create contents, engage customers generate traffic to a company's website and increase search engine ranking.

It could be a reliable source of income or a mere online journal run for fun depending on the author's choice or purpose.

In conclusion a blog is a frequently updated website or webpage created for business, income, fun or as a form of personal development.

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