The Major Difference Between Blogs and Websites


When we first started our blogging adventure we thought like new bloggers that Blogs and Websites are the same. But later we found out that Blogs are slightly different from a Traditional website. In this blogpost we will share with you the major difference between blogs and websites. so hang on.

Technically speaking, all blogs are websites but not all websites are blog. Now  you're probably confused and saying "huh, how?" Let me explain.

A website is a collection of web pages published on a web server and located by a domain name or url, while a blog is also a web page published on a web server and located by a domain name or url but is frequently updated and organized in reverse chronological order i.e newer contents appearing first. This means all blogs are sites on the web (which is technically a website) but not all sites on the web is a blog

So Then What Are The Difference Between Blogs And Websites

1) Websites are static and the contents in it are organized in pages whereas Blogs are dynamic and its contents organized in posts.

2) Blogs been dynamic means it's contents are updated regular. Some blog post are updated once or twice in a week or even daily where as contents on Websites can take years before they are updated.

3) Contents on Blogs are called blog post and they appear in reverse chronological order i.e. the newer post appears first while contents on website are static.

4) Blogs are interactive sites where as websites are official sites used solely for business or profit.

5) Blogs being an interactive platform has some social features like commenting system where you can comment or even share the blog post but most websites are basically a plain information page no sharing or commenting features.

6) Most Blogs and Bloggers focus on one Topic or Area of interest while websites can be a collaboration of different topics etc.

7) A website can have both a static and dynamic page but blogs are always dynamic in nature.

So in conclusion All blogs are special kind of web..Sites but not all websites are blog(formerly called "web log").

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